Monday 3 March 2014

Edmonton, May 12–13: Are We There Yet? Economic Justice and the Common Good

Registration is now open for Are We There Yet? Economic Justice and the Common Good, a major conference co-hosted by the ICS Centre for Philosophy, Religion and Social Ethics and The King’s University College in Edmonton Alberta, May 12 & 13, 2014..

While economic issues dominate Canada’s political agenda, protest movements like Occupy and Idle No More signal growing concern about the effects of the free market on the environment and the health of Canadian society. Disagreement about these effects often divides us while opportunities for dialogue remain relatively rare. This conference seeks to set a hospitable table around which a broad range of opinions, political perspectives, and socio-economic experiences can be gathered and shared in a spirit of solidarity and mutual respect.

The conference takes place in Edmonton on King’s campus.  On-campus accomodations are available.  Visit the conference website for more information, registration and updates.  Take advantage of the early-bird specials!