Friday 29 September 2017

SAVE THE DATE – Saturday, November 11th, 2017

We are celebrating our 50th Anniversary!
you are invited!

When:   Saturday, November 11th, 2017 from 11:00am to 5:00pm

Where:   King’s Christian Collegiate
              528 Burnhamthorpe Rd West, Oakville ON L6M 4K6 · Map

Ticket Price:   $50 per person


A donation receipt will be issued for any amount above the personal ticket price. To reserve a table (8 tickets) please call 416-979-2331 ext. 223.

Featuring:  Prayer and Thanksgiving Service at 11:02; Gala Luncheon at 12:00 with a program of celebration and the launch of our 50th Anniversary Campaign
Annual General Meeting will follow at 3:30

You won’t want to miss this special day of
Looking back with gratitude. Looking forward with anticipation!

Thursday 28 September 2017

Bob Sweetman in Pennsylvania

Bob Sweetman is presenting a paper Sat. 14 Oct.--"Aemulatio and the Practice of Scholarly Friendship in Abelard's Historia Calamitatum and his and Heloise's Subsequent Exchanges" for the Session titled Intimacies in Medieval Thought at the conference "A Sacrifice of Praise: Liturgy, Prayer, and Hymnody at the Center of Faith and Life", the 42nd Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference at Villanova University, Wayne PA (13-15 October 2017).

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Richard Middleton Organizing Conference in Rochester

On October 20-21, Northeastern Seminary will be holding a theology conference on its campus in Rochester, NY, co-sponsored with the Canadian-American Theological Association. The plenary speaker will be Richard Mouw and there will be about three dozen academic papers presented on the conference theme: "Evangelical Theology: New Challenges, New Opportunities."

Here is the link for the conference:

Tuesday 26 September 2017

World-Viewing: ICS introduces new course

On September 27th, ICS introduced a new course in the Master of Worldview Studies program. This course, World-Viewing: An Introduction to Worldview Studies, taught by Associate Professor of Worldview Studies, Dr. Gideon Strauss, serves as a touchstone for the MWS program as a whole, providing students with an overview of the program, an initial set of frameworks and tools for finding their way through the program, and a selection of readings that will prime students for reflecting on six interrelated wayfinding questions: Who am I? Where do I belong? What do I believe? What do I love? What opportunities and constraints do I face in my particular context? What am I to do with my life? The course will use a new hybrid format, with six bi-weekly in-person classroom sessions as well as weekly structured interactive online forum discussions in response to reading assignments.

Monday 25 September 2017

Prayer Letter: October 2017

Sunday, October 1:  John and Ann Vanderhoek are hosting a gathering of supporters this afternoon at their home in Chilliwack. Doug and Heather Blomberg will be present. Please pray for an edifying interaction around ICS’s vision for the future.

Monday, October 2:  Today, we ask you to pray for CPRSE's Partnership Development Grant application for the next academic year (to be submitted in November). As grant applications time draws near, please pray for the wisdom and discernment needed to expand the research work of CPRSE in paths that are respectful of ICS's historical mission as a Christian institution of higher learning.

Tuesday, October 3:  We ask God to give wisdom and clarity to Bob Sweetman today as he participates on a panel at Classis Toronto Meeting "Ever Reforming: What Does the Reformation Mean for the Christian Reformed Church in North America Today?"

Wednesday, October 4:  Please pray today for the 50th Anniversary Planning Committee as they meet to bring closure to some of the many decisions that need to be made for the November 11th event. We are grateful to God that the venue details have been finalized and so thankful for the folks at King’s Christian Collegiate who have been helping us. Please pray for wisdom in the program planning in particular this week.

Thursday, October 5:  Following a year of negotiations, we are hoping soon to move operations to Knox College at the University of Toronto. This will save considerable costs in rental and embed us in larger community within the Calvinist tradition. We are praying for a smooth transition -- moving is usually a challenge! -- and very positive collegial relations among faculty, staff and students from both institutions.

Friday, October 6:  Jan and Fran Boer have invited supporters to join them for lunch tomorrow in a Surrey restaurant. Doug and Heather Blomberg will be part of this event to celebrate ICS’s 50th Anniversary. A number of past Board members and alumni have accepted this invitation. May this be a time of encouragement for all, as they reflect on the history and ongoing vision of ICS.

Tuesday, October 10:  Please pray with us this week as we work to finalize the compilation of our Jubilee edition of Perspective. We desire to have the issue in the mail to everyone by the 16th and so in these days we ask God for energy and clarity to ensure that all the details are taken care of before it goes to print. Pray particularly for Kathy Lynch, Vidya Williams, Pat Webb and Doug Blomberg in this process.

Wednesday, October 11:  Tonight the second “in-person” class of our new course called World-Viewing: An Introduction to Worldview Studies takes place at ICS (see News item above for more details). Pray for Dr. Gideon Strauss as he teaches and for the participants that they may enjoy lively and meaningful discussion and interaction.

Thursday, October 12:  In partnership with TIFF, Ryerson University, and Imago, CPRSE has begun the planning process for a second edition of "Opening Frames," our interdisciplinary conference on film and spirituality. We ask for your continued prayers for the success of this and all other public outreach initiatives hosted by ICS/CPRSE.

Friday, October 13:  Pray for Bob Sweetman today as he prepares to give a paper tomorrow at the 42nd Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference at Villanova University, Wayne PA (see News item above for more details). We ask for energy for Bob and meaningful interaction among all who will participate.

Monday, October 16:  The ICS administrative staff is the backbone, indeed, the skeleton, that holds our organisation upright. We ask you for your prayers to strengthen them in their many tasks. Though they are often overburdened, their resilience is exemplary.

Tuesday, October 17:  Our 50th Anniversary Celebration is just over three weeks away. (Please book your place!) We ask our Lord to bless this special occasion of worship, fellowship and remembrance of our many years and the multitude of people who have enabled our vision and mission to flourish, for whom we give profound thanks.

Wednesday, October 18:  The Board of Trustees bears many responsibilities in its oversight of ICS policies and operations. They give uncounted hours and offer their gifts freely to our vision. Please remember them in your prayers.

Thursday, October 19:  On Saturday, CPRSE staff will lead a workshop at the event "For Such a Time as This: Worship Meets Justice and the Arts in a Turbulent time," hosted by First CRC, Toronto. Please give thanks for this opportunity to extend the reach of ICS's work on the topics of justice and faith within the Christian Reformed Church of Canada.

Friday, October 20:  ICS alumnus, Richard Middleton, asks for prayer for those participating in a theology conference he is organizing (see News item above for more details). The conference takes place on the Northeastern Seminary campus in Rochester, NY today and tomorrow. Pray for strength and wisdom for Richard as he takes care of the many details and concerns that arise.

Monday, October 23:  Today marks the start of Reading Week for ICS Junior and Senior Members. Please pray for our students that they might have the creative energy and space to complete their writing and study assignments. Pray too for the faculty that God would graciously encourage and refresh them in their vocation at ICS.

Tuesday, October 24:  We are so thankful to God for our supporters, many of whom have been with us since the beginning. Doug Blomberg had much joy from his meetings with our broader community in Grand Rapids, Blackfalds, Chilliwack and Surrey these past few weeks. Their support in prayer and personal encouragement, as well as financially, is of course essential to our mission. We thank them, and praise Jesus for His provision for the mission that ultimately belongs to Him.

Wednesday, October 25:  Please uphold the Board of Trustees in their oversight of the vision and mission of ICS, especially as they head towards Board meetings on November 9th and 10th, and the AGM on November 11th following the 50th Anniversary celebrations. Pray for strength and wisdom for each one as they continue to lead through the transitions and changes this year has presented.

Thursday, October 26:  Please pray for Dr. Gideon Strauss, Associate Professor of Worldview Studies as he and Pat Webb participate in the Edifide Convention today and tomorrow. Gideon will be presenting a two-part workshop titled Your Next Five Years: Mapping the Adventure. Participants will learn to use a powerful paradigm and a number of tools for life and career planning they can use in their lives and with their students. We ask for strength and energy for Gideon as he leads this workshop, and for Pat and Gideon as they make connections and represent the work of ICS.

Friday, October 27:  Please pray for Bob Sweetman as he prepares to lead a session in the Adult Education Series "The Reformation and Me" at First CRC Toronto on Sunday. We trust God to bless this session with thoughtful and edifying discussion.

Monday, October 30:  Doug Blomberg will step down as President on October 31 and commence his sabbatical, during which he plans to write a book on theories of learning within a reformational philosophical perspective, among other, smaller projects. Please give thanks to our Lord for Doug’s time of service in this role and pray he will have clarity of mind and perseverance in a complex task this coming year and subsequently.

Tuesday, October 31:  Though this day is commonly known as Halloween (or formally, All Hallows’/Saints’ Eve), this is also Reformation Day. As you well know, this is the 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther’s protest, nailed to the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg. We give thanks and praise to Jesus Christ for this momentous renewal of Christian faith, of which we and multitudes are grateful heirs. May we remain faithful to the gospel and ever open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Semper reformanda!

Thursday 21 September 2017

Material Spirituality with Neal DeRoo

How can we think of ourselves as leading “spiritual lives” in the 21st century? What do we mean when we talk about meaning? Can we separate “religion” and “spirituality”? How do liturgies shape us? Are liturgies limited to church services? Are we only able to express our spirituality in the context of religious communities?

On September 29th, the Institute for Christian Studies will host philosopher Neal DeRoo to talk about questions like these through his work on phenomenology and contemporary philosophy. Weaving together insights from Edmund Husserl, Gilles Deleuze, Michel Henry, Merleau-Ponty, and Herman Dooyeweerd, DeRoo suggests a paradigm for thinking about our embodied expressions of spirituality, expressions that DeRoo argues are not exclusively religious but part of every domain of life.

The morning will begin with a presentation by DeRoo entitled “Material Spirituality: Religion and Phenomenal Expression,” followed by an interview and a Q&A session open to those attending.

The event will be held in the ICS classroom, at 229 College Street, from 10:30-12:30 on Friday, September 29.