Thursday 3 January 2013

The New Winter Semester Begins at ICS!

This month marks the beginning of the new winter semester at ICS. There are six courses starting as well as two distance course offered this semester:

Truth and Authenticity: Heidegger’s Being and Time with Dr. Lambert Zuidervaart

Rhetoric as Philosophy from Isocrates to the Age of Abelard and Heloise
with Dr. Bob Sweetman

Deconstruction and Politics
with Dr. Shannon Hoff

Pragmaticism and Religion: Dewey, Rorty and Stout
with Dr. Ron Kuipers

Interdisciplinary Seminar (IDS): What Is This Thing Called Religion? Spiritual Difference, Secular Critique and Human Maturity
with the Faculty

Thinking the World of God: Religious Language Beyond Onto/theology with Dr. Nik Ansell

Winter 2013 Distance Courses:

Biblical Foundations with Jeffrey Hocking and John Stanley

Christianity and the Ecological Crisis
with Chris Allers

For course descriptions, please visit