- 20 courses offered
- 47 students in degree programs
- 37 additional students in courses, primarily from the Toronto School of Theology
- 10 faculty presentations at church and community conferences
- 6 student sessions at church and community conference
- 7 articles in popular or professional venues
- 4 scholarly articles from faculty
- 2 books from faculty
- 3 completed book manuscripts
- 2 completed book proposals
- 16 papers at scholarly conferences
- 2 articles published in magazines
- 4 forewords
- 4 refereed documents
- 2 successful Junior Member (student) grant applications
- 2 Junior Member scholarly papers published
- 9 Junior Members graduated (2012 Convocation)
- 2 honorary doctorates
- 2 major events, along with collaboration in many others
- 4 inter-faculty colloquia with participants including University of Toronto
- 1 blog, Ground Motive, with many articles and discussions
- 29 educational and informative videos on our Youtube channel
- 168 issues of our newsletter Perspective (back to 1967) available online
Friday 15 February 2013
23 Facts
By the Numbers: Facts About ICS in 2012-2013