Thursday 1 March 2018

ICS to host its Second Annual Undergraduate Workshop!

The Institute for Christian Studies in cooperation with the John Mary Fraser Centre for Practical Theology at Regis College is currently soliciting proposals for a three-day undergraduate workshop on the theme of Storytelling. Questions we hope to consider include but are not limited to the following:

  • How do stories create and disrupt meaning for human life?
  • Whose stories organize contemporary life, and whose stories go unheard?
  • Do different media (film, novels, paintings, children’s books) tell stories differently? Does digital media change the narrativity of our lives?
  • What do stories have to do with the sciences?
  • Are biblical, theological, or traditional stories malleable? 
  • Does the postmodern “suspicion toward metanarratives” mean an end for big stories?
  • What stories construct social categories like race, gender, and class?

Selected participants will have the opportunity to present their own work before peers and receive feedback from ICS faculty and graduate students, making connections and “learning the ropes” of the scholarly enterprise at the graduate or professional level. The workshop is a great opportunity for outstanding undergraduate students who might be interested in deepening existing lines of research and pursuing new ones with guidance from budding and established scholars in disciplines such as philosophy, theology, religious studies, etc.

The call for papers deadline is April 6, 2018. For more information, click on the following links: