Wednesday 25 February 2015

Junior Member News

In May, Junior Member Ethan Vanderleek will be starting his new job as a campus chaplain. He will be moving to Surrey, BC to start as the CRC campus chaplain at the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Surrey Campus. Ethan plans to finish his ICS MA thesis through the summer and then continue his graduate studies at Regent College seminary starting in September. Congratulations Ethan!

Junior Member Rachel McGuire has submitted her ICS-only PhD Thesis offering a biblically grounded interdisciplinary account of power and the call of Christian existence to those of us who live as middle agents in our world economy and politics. What is remarkable is that she has managed to take on such an ambitious project while serving as very active full-time Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Rochester, N.Y. Her defense committee is being assembled and a time for the thesis defense negotiated over the next couple of weeks.

On March 12, Junior Member Dan Rudisill will be giving a talk titled, "The Young Educated Christian Professional" to the Christian Legal Fellowship at the University of Windsor Faculty of Law in Windsor, Ontario

Later this month, Junior Members Dan Rudisill and Joshua Harris will be presenting papers at the "Re-Imagining the Intersection of Evolution and the Fall" conference which will be held at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois. Dan’s paper is titled, "Let us Make Man in Our Image: Emergent Evolution and the Imago Dei” and Josh’s paper is titled "Augustine’s Christological Understanding of Death in John 8".

Clockwise from top left: Ethan, Rachel, Dan, Joshua.