We are currently in the third week of our Advent Campaign and want to thank all who have sent in their generous gifts to in response to this appeal. A copy of our appeal letter and a letter from ICS alumnus Steve van de Hoef can be read at www.icscanada.edu/support/advent-appeal.
This is just a sampling of what our alumni are doing. We hope that Steve’s story will give you a first-hand glimpse of how vital your gift is to helping ICS through its programs to bring renewal and hope to our world.
Please donate online at www.icscanada.edu/support, call us at 416-979-2331 ext 223 (Vidya Williams) or ext 221 (Kathy Lynch) to make a credit card donation, or mail your cheque to Institute for Christian Studies, 100-229 College St., Toronto ON M5T 1R4.
Thank you for your partnership.