Friday 1 October 2021

Winter 2022 Courses Announced!

With fall courses well underway, we're starting to look ahead to the Winter 2022 term at ICS. We’re very excited to announce the courses we'll be offering starting in January—all of which will remain available online.  

We’ll be running a number of courses that touch on topics ranging from Canadian colonialism, apocalypse and the book of Revelation, Deeper Learning, school governance, Franciscan thinkers, and, of course, Reformational Philosophy. Course syllabi and more information will be made available in the coming weeks, so visit our Winter 2022 landing page for the latest details on the following courses:

Birthpangs of the New Creation: Judgment unto Salvation in the Book of Revelation (Nik Ansell) 
In our culture, “apocalypse” typically refers to a cataclysmic, catastrophic ending, real or imagined. But what if the book from which we derive the term, i.e. the “Apocalypse”—or “Revelation”—of John, refers less to the end of the world than to a transition between the two Ages? With Nik Ansell, explore the topics of death, judgment, heaven, and hell as they are portrayed in the book of Revelation.


Deeper Learning: From Wonder to Inquiry to Practice (Edith van der Boom) 
In this course for instructional leaders, explore learning as a journey from wonder to inquiry to practice. Edith van der Boom helps Christian educators develop Deeper Learning within the context of a celebration of the learner, a mindfulness towards learning design, and a responsiveness to culture.


How to Govern a School: Board Governance, Decision-Making, and Community-Engagement (Gideon Strauss) 
Designed for new and aspiring principals, school leadership teams, and school boards; this new course, taught by Gideon Strauss, provides frameworks and tools for leadership in educational governance. Learn about the work of nurturing relationships among school stakeholders, with a focus on the pivotal relationship between the board and school leadership.


Individuality in the Franciscan Thought of John Duns Scotus and William of Ockham (Bob Sweetman) 
Examine the thought of John Duns Scotus and William of Ockham in relation to the doctrine of “individuality” in this seminar with Bob Sweetman. Against the backdrop of Franciscan spirituality and Aristotelianism, this course will closely consider philosophical accounts of our daily experience of both universality in the world (the fact that creatures come to us in kinds) and individuality (the fact that it is individual creatures that come to us in kinds).


Recognition or Refusal? Cultural Politics in a Colonial Canada (Andrew Tebbutt) 
Canada is often described as a democratic, “multicultural” nation; however, a growing number of Indigenous thinkers and activists are arguing that Canada’s approach to recognizing Indigenous peoples remains culturally and economically colonial. With Postdoctoral Research Associate Andrew Tebbutt, explore the idea of recognition and its application in Canadian politics through the lens of Glen Sean Coulthard’s book Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition and alongside other Indigenous authors such as Leanne Betasamosake Simpson and Taiaiake Alfred.


Religion, Life and Society: Reformational Philosophy (Bob Sweetman) 
Explore central issues in philosophy through the lens of Herman Dooyeweerd, Dirk Vollenhoven, and the “Amsterdam School” of neoCalvinian thought. In this foundational ICS course with Bob Sweetman, you'll test the relevance of the reformational philosophical tradition for recent developments in Western philosophy and attend to critiques of foundationalism, metaphysics, and modernity.


Interdisciplinary Seminar (IDS) To be announced
Every winter, ICS holds its annual Interdisciplinary Seminar, which is an opportunity for Junior and Senior Members from different academic disciplines to come together and explore an idea or question from a variety of points of view. Stay tuned for more information about this year’s topic!

If you want to help promote our courses but aren’t sure how, feel free to reach out to our Recruitment Coordinator, Brenna Wehrle, at!