Fill the Earth and Subdue:
Exploring Relationships with Land
with Jonathan Hamilton-Diabo
Friday, November 5th at 1:30pm (Eastern)
Join the Meeting Here:
Meeting ID: 884 5521 8588
On Friday, November 5th, the Centre for Philosophy, Religion, and Social Ethics (CPRSE) will host symposium "Fill the Earth and Subdue: Exploring Relationships with Land," the fall instalment of our Scripture, Faith, and Scholarship series with Jonathan Hamilton-Diabo (June Callwood Professor in Social Justice and Special Advisor on Indigenous Issues at Emmanuel and Victoria Colleges).
Jonathan's work focuses on the history and impact of Residential Schools, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and its Calls to Action, Indigenous interactions with Christianity and the Church, and community relationships. Jonathan is particularly interested in exploring the use of personal stories, experiences, and worldviews in the creation of human connections. In his time with us, Jonathan will speak about the role of scriptural narratives and scriptural interpretation in the Indigenous interactions with Christianity.
We are delighted to welcome Jonathan as he gives the ICS community a glimpse into the ways in which his interpretation of sacred texts has helped to shape his professional journey, and we invite you to join us virtually via the Zoom link above (phone-in options are available below).
The majority of Jonathan’s university career has been in the area of Indigenous student services through his involvement in First Nations House and as the Director of the Office of Indigenous Initiatives (Provost’s Office and Human Resources & Equity) at the University of Toronto. He was an ESL Instructor with LINC (Language Instruction to Newcomers to Canada) and coordinated a Basic Skills and Career Program for adults at the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto.
Jonathan is from Kahnawake, a Mohawk community outside of Montreal. He is an unwavering Montreal Canadiens fan, loves to downhill ski, has an uncanny knowledge of superheroes and comic books, and loves to spend time with his wife and children. Oh yes, there is also a bunny and cat at home!
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+60 3 7724 4079 Malaysia
+60 3 7724 4080 Malaysia
+60 3 9212 1727 Malaysia
Meeting ID: 884 5521 8588
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdUbavqYAA