Friday 24 February 2017

Wednesday March 1: Scripture, Faith and Scholarship

Wednesday March 1, 2017

Scripture, Faith and Scholarship

Dr. Natasha Duquette
Associate Academic Dean and Professor of English
Tyndale University College

When: 1:45-4:30

Where: ICS Classroom on First Floor of 229 College St.

Who: The ICS Community of Junior and Senior Members

What Else: Tea Time as a Special Treat

Natasha Duquette is Associate Academic Dean of Tyndale University College.  She is a literary scholar whose area of speciality is 18th century women's writing.  She has contributed multiple chapters to the Handbook of Women Biblical Interpreters, and two monographs of interest: an earlier monograph using the notion of the sublime to explore the intersection of Literature, Aesthetics and Theology—Sublimer Aspects: Interfaces Between Literature, Aesthetics and Theology and a newer monograph called Veiled Intent: Dissenting Women' Aesthetic Approach to Biblical Interpretation.