Wednesday 16 January 2013

Advent Appeal 2012

Thank you to all who have supported ICS with prayers, financial gifts and expressions of appreciation, particularly through December and the busy Christmas season.

Our Advent appeal continues until mid-February. Please go to to read our advent letter and ICS alumnus Steve van de Hoef’s story. Steve’s story is just a sampling of how our alumni are making a difference in our communities. We hope that this story will give you a glimpse of how vital your gift is to helping ICS through its programs to bring renewal and hope to our world.

To make a donation online please go to, or call us at 416-979-2331 ext 223 (Vidya Williams) or ext 221 (Kathy Lynch) to make a credit card donation, or mail your cheque to Institute for Christian Studies, 100-229 College St., Toronto ON M5T 1R4. Thank you!