The book is available in a number of formats directly from the Wipf & Stock website and other retailers. A description of Shane's book follows below:
Monday 28 February 2022
PhD Graduate Shane Cudney Book Published with Pickwick
ICS graduate Shane Cudney, who successfully defended his joint ICS / Vrije Universiteit PhD dissertation in January 2021, has published this dissertation as a book with Pickwick Publications (an imprint of Wipf & Stock). The book is titled: Where the Truth Lies: Pseudonymity, Complicity, and Critique in Fear and Trembling.
The book is available in a number of formats directly from the Wipf & Stock website and other retailers. A description of Shane's book follows below:
Johannes de Silentio, the pseudonymous author of Fear and Trembling, concludes that faith is "absurd" (irrational), and therefore lies beyond the scope of reason. But if we ascribe authorship ultimately to Kierkegaard, as is common practice, we must conclude that he himself is an irrationalist. Given the myriad of competing voices throughout Kierkegaard's writings, this seems highly questionable at best.If, however, we take the pseudonymous author strictly at his authorial word, it changes the shape and dynamic of the text inviting us to read it, instead, as a "thought experiment." In this way, the text demonstrates both the absurdity and sin of reason in its bid to fully grasp the mystery of faith on its own rational terms.
The book is available in a number of formats directly from the Wipf & Stock website and other retailers. A description of Shane's book follows below: