"The earth will be filled with the glory of God": Christian scholarship confronting injustice and suffering.
• Watch Dr. Blomberg's address on Youtube.
• Download & read Dr. Blomberg's address.
We also gathered to recognize and celebrate the academic achievements of six of our Junior Members. Degrees were conferred upon Rachel McGuire (ICS PhD), Dianne Bergsma (ICS-VU Conjoint PhD), Matthew Johnson (MA), Stefan Knibbe (MA), Carolyn Mackie (MA) and Joanna Sheridan (MA). Congratulations to all our graduates!
• Download & listen to the closing prayer by Rev. Dr. Rachel McGuire.

Back Row:
Bob Sweetman, Doug Blomberg (president), John Kok (chancellor), Jim Olthuis, Shannon Hoff
Front Row:
Stephan Knibbe, Ron Kuipers, Rachel McGuire, Carolyn Mackie, Dianne Bergsma, Joanna Sheridan