Tuesday 14 February 2012
Interfaculty Colloquium Feb 15
The Centre for Philosophy, Religion and Social Ethics is hosting the third session of the Toronto Interfaculty Colloquium for the 2011-12 academic year on Wed., February 15. For this session, Fr. Mario O. D’Souza will present his paper “Philosophers of Education: Jacques Maritain, Bernard Lonergan, and the Question of Classicism”. Fr. D’Souza is Dean of the Faculty of Theology at the University of St. Michael’s College and an Associate Member of the School of Graduate Studies for Theory and Policy Studies in Education at OISE/UT. ICS Professor of Education and Academic Dean Dr. Doug Blomberg will provide commentary on Fr. D’Souza’s paper and CPRSE Director Dr. Lambert Zuidervaart will moderate a group discussion of the colloquium participants. The Interfaculty Colloquium takes place at the Toronto School of Theology building.