Senior Member Lambert Zuidervaart has published a new book, translated into Czech, and titled Umění a sociální transformace: Pravda, autonomie a společenské makrostruktury (Art and Social Transformation: Truth, Autonomy, and Societal Macrostructures). The book collects three of his essays on the arts, social ethics, and religion, along with a lengthy article on Lambert’s work by the translator, Ludvik Hlaváček. The book was published in 2015 by J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, the Czech Republic. Mr. Hlaváček is Director of the Foundation for Contemporary Arts in Prague.
Lambert also recently gave three lectures in Zurich, Switzerland, in a workshop titled “Transforming Truth: Art, Religion, and Science”. The workshop explored a new reformational conception of truth and discussed its relevance for art, religion, and science as distinct social domains of truth. Lambert's lectures took place on March 19, 2016, in the Institute for Hermeneutics and Philosophy of Religion at the Theological Faculty of the University of Zurich. The Forum Christliche Studien (Forum for Christian Studies), founded by Johannes and Rahel Corrodi Katzenstein and others, co-sponsored his visit.